Sunday, November 30, 2008

Updates all around!

It's been a while since I updated so I thought I would include a post to cover all types of movie news.

New Moon - Yes the Twilight sequel got greenlit, and it even starts filming in March, but do most people care? Not really.

Wolverine - A photo has emerged of the character Gambit in the Upcoming Wolverine film. Here you go:

The Hobbit - If you didn't know Guillermo Del Toro is directing The Hobbit and a second undisclosed Lord of the Rings related movie, and he recently said in an interview they will be filming the movies over the course of 370 days. Which still doesn't top Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut schedule of 400 days, and that was just one movie.

Prequel news - Apparently they're working on a prequel to Planet of the Apes I can't help but wonder if its the OG Planet or the Tim Burton travesty of recent memory. There is also a Direct to DVD prequel to Smokin' Aces in the works, which could actually be quite good if the rumors that it focuses on the Tremor Brothers are true.

Its been pretty quiet this week in Movie news, more as more develops.

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