Monday, January 12, 2009

Top 15 Movies of 2004

The Violent takes hold of the list in 2004 as this year was met with extremely gruesome (yet sometimes funny) and brilliant movies.

15. Jersey Girl - One of the only not violent movies on the list, and I will take crap for liking this because its a good film and really shows that Kevin Smith has matured as a film maker.

14. The Village - I'll also take your crap for liking this, but I love it. If you're going to judge this movie based entirely on how you didn't like the twist ending really shows how naive of a film viewer you really are.

13. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Jim Carrey is incapable of playing a bad-serious role.

12. The Terminal - I also have the guts to admit that this is a good movie by Spielberg. I still don't like the guy, nor do I like the majority of his films Post-Jurassic Park. I like this.

11. Collateral - I enjoy the film, and consider this the only good film Tom Cruise has made since he converted to crazies.

10. HellBoy - Guillermo Del Toro is incapable of making a bad movie. Even if it is based on a comic book, which isn't a bad thing.

9. Team America: World Police - Trey Parker and Matt Stone are geniuses, and this is proof that they don't have to be making a cartoon to do well.

8. Dawn of the Dead - My opinion on this is exactly what Kevin Smith says in A Threevening with Kevin Smith "When they announced they were remaking Dawn of the Dead, I thought ' What a terrible Idea. Dawn of the Dead is a brilliant movie.' And Zach Snyder made a PIMP-F***ING version of Dawn of the Dead."

7. Fahrenheit 9/11 - Michael Moore Fan here, also pretty opposed to Bush. Love it.

6. The Punisher - Though not the definitive Punisher that is Punisher: War Zone, still a good film and more or less the Taxi Driver of our generation.

5. The Butterfly Effect - Fantastic mind-blowing movie, and surprisingly great acting by Ashton Kutcher.

4. Spiderman 2 - My favorite of the Spiderman movies, and a fantastic action/superhero/comic book movie here.

3. Saw - The movie that turned the horror community on its head finds its way near the top of my list, and for good reason too.

2. Kill Bill Volume 2 - The better half of Tarantino's epic vengeance film, but in my opinion not as FUN or GOOD as .....

1. Shaun of the Dead - A BRILLIANT movie. One of the few movies I can re-watch, that I know all the lines too, and still laugh my head off when I watch it. Shaun of the Dead is the best movie of 2004 and one of my favorite horror/comedies or simply just comedies of all time.

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