Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Top Movies of 2005

It seems as the years continue to go by that more and more violent movies appear on the countdown. This year is no exception.

15. The 40 Year Old Virgin - Judd Appatow's Directorial debut is easily the best (of the 2 that he's made) but that's saying something since his next project was also pretty good.

14. Domino - It's so refreshing to see Kiera Knightly playing a role that isn't from a Jane Austin adaptation or in a pirate movie, because she's great in this movie. Plus Mickey Rourke is in this, and you can't go wrong with Mickey.

13. King Kong - Peter Jackson has said he wanted to make this movie for a long time, that it was essentially his dream project, and with good reason: It's actually quite good.

12. Lord of War - This is the best movie Nick Cage has been in since Raising Arizona, and that was a long gap of time mind you, though its a different role than RA, Lord of War is a great film and says a lot about the world we live in today.

11. Walk the Line - Being a Johnny Cash fan I was destined to like this movie, and I wasn't disappointed.

10. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith - Easily the best of the prequels, and a very good film if you look at it in it's own context.

9. Constantine - I'm a comic fan, so a Hellblazer movie was a good idea to me, and it delivered for the most part what you could expect from a movie about John Constantine.

8. Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the WereRabbitt - Wallace and Gromit are great characters and this movie just proves the genius of the minds behind it.

7. Charlie & the Chocolate Factory - I can hear all of you BAWWWWW'ing at this already. I don't care if you prefered the Gene Wilder version "It's a classic!" You may say. But then I would have to say "You OBVIOUSLY haven't read the BOOK Charlie & the Chocolate factory" because this film (for the most part) is the definitive Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie.

6. A History of Violence - Epic comic adaptation with commanding screen proformances by the entire cast.

5. The Devil's Rejects - Three words: Brilliant Horror film.

4. Capote - Granted I love anything that Phillip Seymour Hoffman is in, but this is the movie tha confirmed I would watch ANYTHING that he's in.

3. Batman Begins - (At the TIME) The Best Batman movie ever made.

2. Serenity - The movie sequel to Joss Whedon's brilliant series Firefly, answers many questions from the show but you don't have to be a brown coat to enjoy the movie.

1. Sin City - Without a doubt the best comic book adaptation of all time, brilliantly stylized to resemble the books and excellent casting!

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