It seems as the years continue to go by that more and more violent movies appear on the countdown. This year is no exception.
15. The 40 Year Old Virgin - Judd Appatow's Directorial debut is easily the best (of the 2 that he's made) but that's saying something since his next project was also pretty good.
14. Domino - It's so refreshing to see Kiera Knightly playing a role that isn't from a Jane Austin adaptation or in a pirate movie, because she's great in this movie. Plus Mickey Rourke is in this, and you can't go wrong with Mickey.
13. King Kong - Peter Jackson has said he wanted to make this movie for a long time, that it was essentially his dream project, and with good reason: It's actually quite good.
12. Lord of War - This is the best movie Nick Cage has been in since Raising Arizona, and that was a long gap of time mind you, though its a different role than RA, Lord of War is a great film and says a lot about the world we live in today.
11. Walk the Line - Being a Johnny Cash fan I was destined to like this movie, and I wasn't disappointed.
10. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith - Easily the best of the prequels, and a very good film if you look at it in it's own context.
9. Constantine - I'm a comic fan, so a Hellblazer movie was a good idea to me, and it delivered for the most part what you could expect from a movie about John Constantine.
8. Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the WereRabbitt - Wallace and Gromit are great characters and this movie just proves the genius of the minds behind it.
7. Charlie & the Chocolate Factory - I can hear all of you BAWWWWW'ing at this already. I don't care if you prefered the Gene Wilder version "It's a classic!" You may say. But then I would have to say "You OBVIOUSLY haven't read the BOOK Charlie & the Chocolate factory" because this film (for the most part) is the definitive Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie.
6. A History of Violence - Epic comic adaptation with commanding screen proformances by the entire cast.
5. The Devil's Rejects - Three words: Brilliant Horror film.
4. Capote - Granted I love anything that Phillip Seymour Hoffman is in, but this is the movie tha confirmed I would watch ANYTHING that he's in.
3. Batman Begins - (At the TIME) The Best Batman movie ever made.
2. Serenity - The movie sequel to Joss Whedon's brilliant series Firefly, answers many questions from the show but you don't have to be a brown coat to enjoy the movie.
1. Sin City - Without a doubt the best comic book adaptation of all time, brilliantly stylized to resemble the books and excellent casting!
The Starting Five: Michigan
Five stats, facts and people you need to know while watching 'Bama against
the Wolverines.
Alabama vs. Michigan
The Milk House, Orlando, FL
4pm CT
TV: ESP...
15 years ago
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